1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

Repurposing Old T-shirts into Fun Christian Crafts

feature image piles of old t-shirts

Repurposing old t-shirts is a great way to upcycle your wardrobe and save money in the long run. From fashion accessories to home decorations, there are plenty of ways to repurpose old t-shirts and give them a new function. With a few simple tools and supplies, you can easily transform a boring t-shirt into something … Read more

Faith, Family, and Freedom in the 21st Century

faith-family-and-freedom dad and son on sofa playing video games

Have you noticed the erosion of faith, family, and freedom today? I have. We’re in “pride” month; we’re coming up on Father’s Day, and Independence Day is right around the corner. Now stop and think about all the changes in society and how the radical left seems to be doing everything it can to erode … Read more