Romans 12:2 - And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Fall is the Best Season of the Year – Why?

Do you ever wonder why so many people believe Autumn, or Fall is the best season of the year? I know I share the same sentiments for this season as many, many others. For one – it’s the season of my birthday!

But besides that, there are so many reasons to love the fall season. Here are some of them, though not in any particular order. These are just some that come to mind when summer is over.

Fall is the Best Season Because…

  1. Cooler weather. I don’t like the extreme heat or cold and fall is right in between.
  2. My husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary, which is during Thanksgiving every year!
  3. The bees are in hibernation mode. Yes! I get to say goodbye to the bees until next spring.
  4. The brilliant colors of deep oranges, reds, and yellows blending together that you don’t see in any other season. We live in Pennsylvania and the state is alive with color during this season!
  5. Holidays and Harvest Festivals!
  6. Our church’s annual Women’s Retreat with bonfires and crisp, cool morning gatherings.

Why Christians Should Believe Autumn is the Best Season

“The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8

First, it’s the season leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ! It’s the season of Thanksgiving, which is actually my favorite holiday, even though my mother passed away the morning after Thanksgiving in 1997. It was mom’s favorite holiday because she got to have all of her children and grandchildren together for a big meal.

My brother and I carried on that tradition after mom passed, and continued it for almost 20 years until he passed away in 2017. My husband and I decided a couple of years ago to start our own Thanksgiving family tradition by having our kids and grandkids – those who can make it anyway, to our house for an evening of shared food and fun.

For Christians, it’s also the season of Harvest – harvesting new souls to come to the Lord!

Fall is the Best Season for Churches Harvest Festivals!

Our pastor reminds us every year that our church congregation has the most growth during the fall season. We have a couple of outreach programs that we do in the autumn season that brings in new faces and families from the community.

We have an “open house” of sorts for our Harvest Fest. There’s story time for the kids and lots of fun activities for any age. The weather is still warm enough yet for outdoor activities, too.

Harvest Festivals Everywhere!

Not only in church communities, but it seems like every little town has its own harvest festival. It’s a great way to meet new people where you live, especially if you’re new to town.

Some communities add a bit of Halloween to their events with that holiday’s decorations, pumpkin carving, and costume contests for kids. If your particular church doesn’t celebrate Halloween, your community, more than likely, has events you and your kids will enjoy.

Halloween Trunk or Treat!

This is a rather new Halloween tradition in many communities. I wish they’d had this when my kids were little! It’s a great way to keep kids safe while still letting them dress up and fill their buckets and bags with lots of treats.

Our church has two physical locations so we set up “Trunk or Treat” in the parking lots. Some decorate their cars and even dress up for the event. It’s another outreach program that’s fun for kids and families, and a great way to harvest souls for Jesus.


Yes, we should give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ every day of every season for all that He’s done and will do for us. Thanksgiving simply gives us a special day of the year to come together as families and enjoy the fruits of our labor.


Some of the people at our church actually have their Thanksgiving dinner together at our church so they can invite others to enjoy the feast with them. I think this is awesome! It’s a great way for those who don’t have families in the area or don’t have enough space in their own homes to gather together.

Our church has a huge kitchen, larger than any kitchen in any church I’ve ever been to. We also have a café and gathering area off of the lobby to use as a dining area. It’s a fantastic and fun way to bring family, friends, and neighbors together in an open environment that they may not have in their homes.

Fall is the Best Season for Hope and Thanksgiving

As Kyra Riley Daniels points out in a recent blog post:

Jesus equated bringing people to salvation with the work of the fall season. After preaching the good news about the kingdom and healing people from sin, Jesus said to His disciples: “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:35-38).

Is fall your favorite season? Tell me why!

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