Faith Can Move Mountains – Or Can It?

faith-can-move-mountains-older man at the gym lifting weights

Yes, faith can move mountains! Mountains of worry, mountains of anxiety, mountains of fear, mountains of frustration… Whatever mountains you’re facing, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and trusting in His will makes those mountains into molehills that you can walk right through. Matthew 17:20 “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small … Read more

Faith, Family, and Freedom in the 21st Century

faith-family-and-freedom dad and son on sofa playing video games

Have you noticed the erosion of faith, family, and freedom today? I have. We’re in “pride” month; we’re coming up on Father’s Day, and Independence Day is right around the corner. Now stop and think about all the changes in society and how the radical left seems to be doing everything it can to erode … Read more